Advanced Reporting

Create thorough and up-to-date reports for each need. With the flexible Report Generator, you can get specific and easy-to-read data about the current state of your company’s business.

The reports can be created for either public or just personal use, or they can be shared and used only among certain users or sales groups.

CRM analytics reporting

Versatile design

Report Templates

Save report templates which other users can copy and customize for their own needs when necessary.

Use on the More Information Tab

Create and attach reports to e.g. accounts, so that you can see the reports concerning that specific account on an account's More Information tab.

Take Advantage of the Modules

Take advantage of relations inside the CRM: review and report e.g. project costs per product.

Report Folders

Reports are created and shared in folders. The folders can be private, shared with certain users or public for everyone.

Quick Edit

Already created reports can be adjusted for different needs: e.g. changing the time frame can be done quickly.

BI Qlik Sense

You can export and save reports on your own computer in Excel and CSV formats.

Always up to date with no hassle

No need for creating the same reports over and over again for different time periods. Once the conditions and actions on the report have been determined, the same report can be used again with updated data. You can set the condition for reported time period adjustable, so it can be flexibly changed without modifying the report itself.

Other Features That Might Interest You

Graphical Statistics

With understandable graphical visualizations, the user will be able to examine the current situation on the followed topic on their own home page.

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Personal Home Page

Customize the view on every user's home page; get highlights and set up goals.

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Business Intelligence

Choose freely from tens of different predefined dashboards the ones that give you the most business value. Our Business Intelligence is powered by QlikSense technology.